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    Tshering Dorji

    June 11th, 2018

    Developer20 years old and a high school drop out on a mission to create value. Meet Tshering known to his colleagues as concreto and he is a self taught programmer. tshering.dorji(at)drukhost.com readmore

    Rinzin Lhamo

    June 11th, 2018

    DeveloperWhile her soul still lingers the streets of Seoul, she is the new programming machine in town.  Rinzin graduated with BSc Computer Science from Sherubtse College and underwent 9 months of front-end web development training in the country followed by 10 months of intense training in back-end web programming... readmore

    Sangay Thinley Dorji

    February 14th, 2018

    Busiess Idea DeveloperTroubled with the need to constantly think and improve, Sangay has performed for different agencies in different capacities. Constructing and deconstructing your idea with him will direct you in a direction where success takes the highway. readmore

    Sonam Penjor

    February 14th, 2018

    Graphic DesignerGive him an idea and he will give his best to deliver. On a journey to pursue knowledge and creativity, he might not be the best graphic designer in town but he has the ear to listen and the skills to carve. sonam.penjor(at)drukhost.com readmore

    Sonam Dorji

    February 14th, 2018

    MarketeerDetermined to understand your need and articulate enough to make you understand, he is crafted to communicate. A fitness enthusiast and a hoarder for good books, meet our marketing man, Sonam Dorji. sonam.dorji(at)drukhost.com readmore

    Kinley Nidup

    February 14th, 2018

    Senior DeveloperPassionate about programming and gaming, Kinley Nidup passed out from Royal Thimphu College with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Applications.He wants to be “an extremely knowledgeable and competent” programmer and explore the vast world of programming at every given opportunity. kinley.nidup(at)drukhost.com readmore

    Phuntsho Namgay

    February 14th, 2018

    Senior Web/UI DesignerQuiet and dedicated, Phuntsho seeks to learn something everyday. He had earlier interned at our firm right after college and he decided to take some time off on his own to acquire some skills. He showed up at our office after 5 months with the tools to... readmore

    Damchey Lhendup

    February 14th, 2018

    Technology/PartnerWith more than 10 years of experience in designing and building digital solutions, Damchey oversees the application development and digital infrastructure. He enjoys backend development and playing with Linux servers. Besides coding, Damchey likes photography and mountain biking. damchey(at)drukhost.com readmore

    Sangay Tshering

    February 14th, 2018

    Marketing/PartnerThe best advertisement is a good product and the team we have, is the biggest asset. Sangay is energetic and if you are not sure of what you want, sit with Sangay over a cup of coffee; he will assist you in visualizing your thoughts. Sangay enjoys communicating and... readmore

Clients we have worked with