• info@drukhost.com

    Service update and SSD storage

    October 4th, 2016

    We are happy to announce that we have successfully migrated all our servers from slow SATA drives to SAMSUNG SSD drives (in RAID). Previously, only our MySQL database storage was running off of SSD drives, and it wasn’t fast enough to keep up with bursts of traffic, causing websites... readmore

    MySQL moved to SSD Drives

    May 24th, 2015

    We are pleased to announce that we have successfully migrated MySQL to SSD storage on our tashidelek server. The home directory has also been migrated to a set of better enterprise-grade hard drives in redundant arrays (RAID). With this migration, customers should notice improved performance in terms of load times... readmore

    Conditionally deleting rows from pivot tables in Laravel

    May 15th, 2015

    To delete relations from many to many  tables using Laravel’s Eloquent, there’s the detach() method. The detach() method deletes all relationships in the pivot table for particular given IDs. For example, if you have duplicate rows in the pivot table for the same Model (with different values in other fields), doing a... readmore

    Domain Registration/Renewal price increase

    May 12th, 2015

    Due to an increase in domain registration prices from ICANN and the increasing dollar conversion rate, we have increased our domain registration and renewal prices to Nu. 800/- per year for the following domain extensions: 1. .com 2. .net 3. .org The above pricing will be in effect from... readmore

    How to register & host .bt domains outside Druknet

    October 5th, 2013

    As of this time, Bhutan Telecom (Druknet) seems to be the only authorized domain registrar for the .bt country domain name(cTLD). For someone who wants a .bt domain name but want to host their website on a server other than Druknet’s, the process is fairly simple than it appears.... readmore

    Automatically append query strings to Laravel 4 pagination links

    October 1st, 2013

    Laravel 4 comes equipped with a great pagination class which automatically generates a list of links for you which you can echo out directly in your view files. This default pagination works great if you just need simple pagination without using query strings. But if you want to add... readmore

    How to use SSL with FTP and Cpanel access

    September 15th, 2013

    To securely access your Cpanel account or FTP into your account, the below information will help you to access your account in a secure and encrypted way. For Cpanel: You can access your cpanel account by going to https://www.drukhost.com/cpanel. When doing so, please ensure that the protocol you are... readmore

    Protect WordPress from Bruteforce attack

    August 19th, 2013

    Over the last few days, we have noticed increasing accesses to the wp-login.php page of WordPress installations. The attacks are not isolated, and come from many IP sources indicating that its a bot or an automated attack. In one case, we logged a total of 550 IP addresses in... readmore

    New website launched

    August 8th, 2013

    In keeping with the times, we have finally finished designing our new website. One of the few important changes is, the new site lets a user check a domain’s availability before purchasing it. We have also re-organized our pages into better sections and made it simpler for visitors to... readmore

Clients we have worked with